Making the Board Case for Strategic Planning for New Nonprofit CEO You fought for this role—and the salary to match. Now, months in, you see[…]
Read MoreNonprofit Leaders: Ready to Move, But No Roadmap? You have a vision but no clear way forward. Waiting for a ready-made path won’t get you[…]
Read MoreYour future depends on a clear, actionable nonprofit strategy that your board, staff, and donors can rally behind. You see other nonprofits getting ahead and[…]
Read MoreBefore my gluten-free days, I used a bread machine to make school lunches. Most mornings, we’d wake to the smell of fresh bread. On days[…]
Read MoreThe other day, after a struggle, I developed a new strategy. A friend commented on how excited I was—on “the lightness in my being” compared[…]
Read MoreMany nonprofit CEOs contact me to create a nonprofit strategic plan or update one, and almost always, the engagement discussion includes the other CEO’s goal[…]
Read MoreYou announce that it’s time to do nonprofit strategic planning, and you get resistance. Board member rolls their eyes or even verbally say, “I hate[…]
Read MoreIs your nonprofit strategy a roadmap to success or a recipe for wasted time? Many organizations unknowingly make a critical mistake (#7) by failing to[…]
Read MoreIs your nonprofit strategy gathering dust on a shelf? Many CEOs unknowingly make a critical mistake (#3) by creating plans in isolation. This leads to[…]
Read MoreNonprofit organizations that experience abrupt threats to their sustainability or want to thrive act with purpose. That is, they create a strategy and execution plan[…]
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