May 30, 2024
How to Move from an Operational to a Governance Board in 5 “Easy” Steps

One of my early professional jobs involved making hospital visits. One week at a new hospital, I rode the elevator to the second floor to[…]

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July 27, 2023
When Your Board Members Volunteer: How to Manage the Role Confusion

When your board members volunteer, it’s mostly good news, but it can also be bad news. If you’re not careful, role confusion will result. Watch[…]

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January 30, 2023
How to Collaborate Effectively with Your Board Chair

Your relationships with your board chair can be better—much better. Why it Matters: You, the CEO, picked (or agreed to work with*) this individual to[…]

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December 23, 2022
How to Get the Right Person to Be Board Chair

How can you get the right person to be the board chair? –since the wrong board chair makes your life as a nonprofit CEO miserable.[…]

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August 3, 2022
When Boards Know Their Role & Still Fail to Help Fundraise

I lead a Zoom board workshop. When the board reviewed how well they were fulfilling their responsibilities, they found an area that needed work: Ensuring[…]

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May 2, 2020
The Secret to Creating the Board of Your Dream: The Board Excellent Plan

In a dream, you are at a board meeting. Your board members are 100 percent supportive, challenge you in friendly ways, encourage you to lead[…]

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