While we hope people will join our boards for the pure joy of giving, the decision to be on a board is more complicated. Most[…]
Read MoreWhat has been your biggest challenge?” I asked a retiring CEO. “The Board,” he said without hesitation. “Isn’t that true for everyone?” Board nightmares are[…]
Read MoreInviting people to lead your nonprofit board is filled with promises and risks. You can maximize the odds of reaching your high board aspirations by avoiding[…]
Read MoreListen to this video to solve your board member recruitment challenges AND to establish a simple but effective board recruitment process to generate a pipeline[…]
Read MoreAs you recruit nonprofit board members, avoid three common board member recruitment mistakes. Why? Your job satisfaction as a nonprofit CEO or executive director depends[…]
Read MoreYour board orientation is a great tool to educate your nonprofit board and get new board members started on the right foot. This video outlines[…]
Read MoreWhen it comes to recruiting nonprofit board members, are you playing Russian Roulette? Do you invite strangers into your organization? How can you ensure your[…]
Read MoreDisappointing board members don’t just happen. Someone invites them into your board room. By bad board members, I mean individuals who rarely attend meetings, give[…]
Read MoreThese words about board recruitment were whispered to me in a parking lot after a meeting. Listen to this wisdom and reap the board benefits.[…]
Read MoreToday’s the day. You plan to ask a candidate whom you’ve vetted and wooed for months to serve on your board. You plan what to[…]
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