Trusted Advisor Program: Close the Gap Between Where Your Nonprofit Is Now and Your Vision 

Join Karen’s Advising Program

A six-month chance, for nonprofit CEOs and leaders, to work with Karen to untangle complex situations, break through barriers, and empower lasting change.

Common Challenges:

  • Starting Point: “I have a great vision, but I don’t know where to start.”
  • Board Issues: “I love the mission, but the board isn’t helping.”
  • Leadership Concerns: “What’s the best way to lead this organization through this challenge?”
  • Strategy Implementation: “We have a plan, but executing it feels overwhelming.”

Program Benefits:

  • “Eye-opening feedback we couldn’t get on our own.” – Sarah P.
  • “You helped me think outside the box.” – Christine S.
  • “Great questions and valuable views.” – Barbara C.
  • “Your advice and industry expertise are incredibly insightful.” – Alex O.

Stay Connected:

  • Access Karen via email, phone, and text (daily, weekly, or monthly)
  • One-on-one meetings as needed
  • Phone calls answered within 48 hours
  • Emails answered within 72 hours

Join to get valuable advice and insights for your nonprofit organization!

Karen’s program allowed me to access her expertise and create custom tools to solve my biggest challenge. She helped me slow down and focus to achieve more.

The outcome? Among other accomplishments, I increased my key result by 87 percent over last year.

Michelle Cyr
AARP Florida

Karen Eber Davis presenting

How Does Karen’s Advising Program Work?

At the start, you and Karen will:

  • Assess the fit: Does the program align with your needs?
  • Set goals: Specific and achievable
  • Plan: Your first deep-dive session

You might focus on:

  • Major strategy upgrade
  • Improving board dynamics
  • Enhancing senior leadership
  • Other tailored objectives

Depending on your goals, I support your work using a combination of mentoring, coaching and advising. Most sessions include a mixture of all three. Most participants choose to meet virtually, although the telephone works great, too.  In between sessions, we connect via text and email. Each session concludes with a “who will do what by when” to set our next meeting and summarize.

The Advising Program helps people to meet both professional and personal goals and  provides so much value that many sign up more than once.

Karen’s advice has been extremely valuable. Our conversations always led to practical, applicable recommendations thanks to her gift of immediately generating great ideas. Working with Karen boosted my confidence and helped me think outside the box when approaching issues. Most importantly, our organization’s revenues increased by 84 percent over the same time last year.

Barbara Richards
Project 180

How Can Karen’s Advising Transform Your Nonprofit?

Key Benefits

  • Strategic Vision and Execution
  • Operational Efficiency and Support
  • Leadership and Staff Development
  • Financial Growth and Donor Appeal
  • Governance and Decision-Making
  • Crisis Prevention and Long-Term Planning
  • Personalized Expert Guidance

Karen uncovers best practices and delivers actionable advice for both immediate impact and long-term transformation. You get a trusted advisor, mentor, and coach to help you craft solutions tailored to your nonprofit’s unique needs and vision.

Karen Eber Davis Presenting

Working with Karen exceeded my expectations. Learning what I needed to learn was hard and a cumulative process. Some of it I had to do over three times to get it. Karen’s personal manner, positive attitude, and relationship skills are excellent. We built trust and it allowed me to be vulnerable and lean on her.

The Rev. Dana Horrell
Executive Director
Faithful Citizen

I Have a Long List of Projects. Will the Advising Program Work for Me?

Probably. For example, during one round, a nonprofit exec accomplished the following. His goal was to start implementing his new strategic plan. During his experience, he:

  • Planned out steps for ten goals.
  • Prioritized three to put on the front burner.
  • Directed his staff to take initial steps on the remaining seven.
  • Improved his board relationships by 85 percent.

So, yes, you don’t need to have just one goal. Karen will help you with whatever you bring to the table or what comes up during the session.

I just wanted to THANK YOU so much for your advice, guidance and coaching during these past few months. I definitely feel more confident in my position leading a team and product launches.
Kimberly DiVito
Creative Pinellas

What is the Fee?

With Karen’s help, you can get what lies ahead of you into practical, actionable steps. The fee is $7,500, payable in full when you begin the process; paying upfront guarantees that you have Karen’s full attention and time. Although the cost is nonrefundable, you may wish to “halt the calendar” once during the session until you are ready to begin again. To serve you well, Karen limits the number of people she advises at any one time. The fee is for one person from your organization.

What Value Can I Expect from the Program?

Most participants request bi-weekly meetings, receive multiple reviews of drafts, resources from Karen’s treasure chest, and tips on emerging issues. The value you obtain is up to you, but the market value easily exceeds 300 percent and often much more–as you can see by the testimonials.

Does Karen Offer Discounts?

Many people continue beyond one session. If you re-enroll, you receive a $500 fee reduction.

I Have More Questions.

Great. Call 941-924-4860, email today, or set a time to talk with Karen. Use this link.

I Am Ready to Go. Sign Me Up!

Follow this link to sign-up for the advising program, today.

The best part of working with you as an advisor was using you as a Lifeline—like in Who Wants to be Millionaire. I got a lot of helpful, reliable, constructive, and objective feedback. It was a huge confidence assist. It saved me lots of time and sometimes sanity. We covered a lot of ground.

Jedediah Shoemaker
Sarasota Film Festival

If you have development staff and need someone to give you feedback and advice on how to enhance your work, call Karen because that’s what she did for us.

Kathleen M. Tunney, MS
President and Executive Director
Associates for Human Services, Inc.

Karen’s advice guided me to reduce a large-scale and overwhelming project to educate the Pinellas County hospitality industry into bite-size actions. As I worked, the accountability she provided, and her expertise were invaluable. With her direction, I created a fun and useful end-user experience to help visitors to the area discover Pinellas County’s arts and culture.
Leigh K. Davis
Creative Pinellas

Working with Karen helps me to stay focused on our priorities. Beginning an annual giving society was high on my to-do list. Karen quickly helped me hone in on our options and get the program underway. We’ve quickly closed multi-year commitments.

Stacey Y. Reynolds-Carruth
Early Learning Coalition of Orange County

Let’s Close the Gap Between You & Your Vision