June 1, 2020

What’s Really Happening with Nonprofit Revenue?

Like you, I’m concerned about what’s happening to the sector and individual organizations now.

 What’s Really Happening with Nonprofit Revenue?

Between the direct and indirect impact of COVID-19, life is a whirlwind.
What was true yesterday evening, seems stale today at dawn.
Despite the continuous turmoil, you still must make extraordinary decisions about how to generate nonprofit revenue.
Here’s how you can help yourself and the nonprofit sector. I’m collaborating with Gail Bower (Bower and Co.) in a brief study. Our goal is to get a pulse on the financial picture and the needs of the nonprofit sector and share it with people, like you, who need it.
Will you please invest a few moments to measure the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and recession on your income streams by completing this brief survey? With your help, we can take nonprofit sector’s pulse in light of the pandemic and resulting economic chaos.

Take the Survey

What’s In It For You?
Please allow me to outline our vision for how your organization benefits.
  • You will reflect and record what’s happening in your nonprofit
  • We will share the results of the study with you.
  • You will also gain access to Davis’ updated study, Nonprofit Innovation During the Great Recession Updated, and Bower’s Gail Bower’s Coronavirus Checklist: Hope Through Strategy.

A Quick Introduction to Karen Eber Davis and Gail Bower

Gail Bower and I are leading nonprofit experts focused on supporting our clients in finding better ways to generate revenue. I’m the author of two books on nonprofit revenue, including Let’s Raise Nonprofit Millions Together. Gail wrote How to Jump-start Your Sponsorship Strategy in Tough Times during the last recession. We began collaborating in 2018 when we noticed a trend towards entrepreneurial nonprofit leadership.
Can we count on your help?
Thank you so much for your participation.


Karen Eber Davis

Karen Eber Davis provides customized advising and coaching around nonprofit strategy and board development. People leaders hire her to bring clarity to sticky situations, break through barriers that seem insurmountable, and align people for better futures. She is the author of 7 Nonprofit Income Streams and Let's Raise Nonprofit Millions Together.


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