May 13, 2019

Need Board Help? 2 Tools to Create a Fundraising Board

board working at a tableYour board’s the best. Nevertheless, you struggle to engage them in fundraising. How can you enlist them? Organize your influence tools into a campaign, Unfamiliar with the tools? Read on.

Fundraising Board Tools 

Tool 1: Experience

You use your Experience Tool when you invite members to help with fundraising tasks. Select tasks to infect your members with the joy of philanthropy.
Philanthropy offers people a chance to express their love for their fellow human beings. Experiences bath your member in love. Afterward, they perceive donating differently. They discover, for example, that thanking a donor means they also get thanked. They learn that donors love to improve lives.
Experiences transform. To engage your board in fundraising, design experiences that show them the joy of philanthropy.

Tool 2: Information

You already use your Information Tool. You use it when you provide facts and data. You distribute your budget. You announce new gifts.
Do you, however, leverage these facts? Do you praise how your board already supports fundraising? For example, you share event results, including the number of new donors. Do you, also, share how the board contributed by attending the event and welcoming newcomers? Do you use information to show your board impacts your results?

Organize an Engagement Campaign 

To build your board’s engagement, combine experiences and information. Remember, experiences evoke emotions. Emotions inspire actions. Facts justify actions.


Karen Eber Davis

Karen Eber Davis is a nonprofit strategic planning consultant who works with visionary leaders committed to taking their organizations to new heights. She offers customized strategies, assessments, and coaching designed to help leaders lead their organizations to achieve their potential. She is the author of 7 Nonprofit Income Streams and Let's Raise Nonprofit Millions Together.


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