October 22, 2021

Effective Nonprofit Employee Retention

Karen’s November 2021 CEO Conversation 

with Special Guest, John Lehr, President and CEO of the Parkinson’s Foundation

November 18, 2021, at 1 pm Eastern

Nonprofits are no strangers to high employee turnover.

Before the pandemic, the sector’s rate was 7 percent higher than all turnover, and now the national rate hovers at 25 percent.

So, if nonprofits continue to exceed the national rate, one in three employees will voluntarily leave their jobs.

You want to take care of people and seek excellence in all you do, so you’re probably asking:

  • How can we retain our top staff?
  • Attract the talent we need?
  • Keep operating if we’re short-staffed?
  • And, if we can’t pay more, how else can we respond to employees’ needs, wants, and expectations?

You don’t have to figure this out all by yourself.

Instead, you can explore this challenge and get solutions with your peers. Join Karen’s CEO Conversation on November 18 at 1 pm Eastern.

You’ll gain expert advice, cross-country insights, and practical ideas to use immediately.

(For nonprofit CEOs and ED’s only, best for nonprofits with budgets greater than $700k).

Reserve your seat now.

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More about Karen’s Nonprofit CEO Conversations

Karen hosts intimate, 50-minute, pro-bono Zoom conversations exclusively for CEOs and executive directors about best nonprofit practices.

These rare interactive opportunities gather nonprofit leaders from across the country to explore high-level nonprofit leadership opportunities.


Please email Karen or join her notification list here.

Conversation participants are hand-selected to provide a mix of nonprofit missions and geographic settings.

What CEOs are saying about Karen’s Nonprofit CEO Conversations


Great call today – very helpful. I picked up lots of very helpful information so THANK YOU!!!
Diane Nahabedian
Executive Director
Monkey Helpers

Every one of the conversations has been fantastic. I have applied something from each one for my work.
Erica (Mossholder) Klauber
Executive Director
Children’s Craniofacial Association

Thank you so much for the opportunity to participate and learn from other CEOs!
Mandy C. Santiago, MSS
Executive Director
Tyler Arboretum

It doesn’t have to be lonely at the top.

Yes, sign me up!



Karen Eber Davis

Karen Eber Davis is a nonprofit strategic planning consultant who works with visionary leaders committed to taking their organizations to new heights. She offers customized strategies, assessments, and coaching designed to help leaders lead their organizations to achieve their potential. She is the author of 7 Nonprofit Income Streams and Let's Raise Nonprofit Millions Together.


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