January 14, 2020

Your Nonprofit Deserves More Money [book excerpt]

Why Your Nonprofit Can Not Only Survive But Thrive

I am delighted to share with you an excerpt from Let’s Raise Nonprofit Millions Together. “. . . you do good work. You help the illiterate to read. You put paintbrushes into frail seniors’ hands. You organize programs to solve pressing public problems. You do a myriad of things to make lives better.

Moreover, you often do this work under serious constraints. Too often, you operate in a chronically resource-short environment. You must decide between buying decent office supplies or helping clients.

Nonprofit work is hard. It’s not for wimps. Contrary to what you’ve heard, it’s not government or business jobs that necessitate top skills; it’s the nonprofit sector. Nonprofit leaders need the same abilities as every leader and more. Third-sector trailblazers, like you, work with volunteers and use skills and finesse to ask for donations. What’s more, despite the challenges inherent in the work, the culture as a whole frequently looks down on the sector. The culture assumes nonprofits lack the brightest and best.

They are wrong.

Nonprofits gather brave, smart, and ambitious people who seek to improve the communities where we live. Nonprofits collect heroes.

This includes you. Since you do good work and you provide value, you deserve money and resources. In fact, you deserve more money so you can generate more impact.

You chose a noble calling.

You Deserve More Money: You Do Good Work [book excerpt]The calling requires a noble heart that appeals to the best in people and, for those that respond, the chance to become heroes. However, while you deserve more money, and it would be fair for you to have it, you’re not entitled to it. Your noble calling doesn’t require you to:

  • Beg people to give to you
  • Sell your clients as pitiful human beings
  • Whine about your neediness
  • Build your sustainably on the backs of employees
  • Assume you’re entitled to a gift, grant, or donation

Instead, to be sustainable, you:

  • Refuse to wait for luck
  • Decide to be shrewd and smart
  • Study excellence
  • Develop a sustainability strategy
  • Use innovative twists in your work
  • Embrace flexibility

I started this section with the premise that you do good work. Let’s augment this principle with a second: you have reasons for hope. Sustainability may feel like a big, hairy goal and the concept of thriving, a leap into the incredible.

Nonetheless, grasp hope. Believe that yes, your organization can survive and thrive.”

Click here for more about Let’s Raise Nonprofit Millions Together, including a free chapter.


Karen Eber Davis

Karen Eber Davis is a nonprofit strategic planning consultant who works with visionary leaders committed to taking their organizations to new heights. She offers customized strategies, assessments, and coaching designed to help leaders lead their organizations to achieve their potential. She is the author of 7 Nonprofit Income Streams and Let's Raise Nonprofit Millions Together.


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