January 3, 2023

Did You Miss Any of These? The Top 2022 Posts

I’m happy to share the top 2022 posts . This year, working with your board, growing revenue, and your career were at the top of your mind.

Guiding Your Nonprofit the Board

When it comes to your board, you seek a Goldilocks partnership—neither too much engagement (micromanaging) nor too little. Here are some posts to find that happy medium.

How to Move from an Operational to a Governance Board in 5 “Easy” Steps

Governance boards establish policies, select CEOs, and provide high-level fiduciary oversight. They don’t run programs or deep dive into details. How can you create one?

How Can You Stop Your Board from Micromanaging?

Micromanaging boards harm nonprofits. Discover the four actions you can take to avoid dysfunctional behaviors and move your board to engage in governance.

Nonprofit Strategic Planning 101: Your Guide

Here’s the guide on nonprofit strategic planning you seek. Discover how to develop a strategic plan that doesn’t gather dust and gets ragged from its daily use.

How to Design a Successful Nonprofit Board Retreat

We’ve frequently asked about conducting successful board retreats. Here are answers to your top questions. Use them to design a knockout board retreat.

Growing Your Revenue

Establishing revenue forecasts requires a realistic look back, a practical examination of now, and a bit of crystal ball gazing. Here’s my take:

How to Set Realistic Fundraising Expectations

Everyone at your nonprofit would like to earn more revenue & raise more funds. How can you get your boards and staff in sync on this fundraising planning issue?

The CEO Leader

You want to serve in organizations that appreciate you and do outstanding work. These two posts will guide your path.

12 Must-Ask Questions for Your CEO Interviews

Discovering an unhealthy culture in your new nonprofit CEO job is demoralizing. You can avoid unpleasant surprises by asking these 12 interview questions.

5 Performance Appraisals Executive Director & CEO Resources

When was your last performance appraisal? Here are five resources to help spur your board to provide an appraisal to guide quality evaluations.

I hope one or all of these posts inspire some getting answers, generating revenue, and growing mission for you in 2023!


Karen Eber Davis

Karen Eber Davis is a nonprofit strategic planning consultant who works with visionary leaders committed to taking their organizations to new heights. She offers customized strategies, assessments, and coaching designed to help leaders lead their organizations to achieve their potential. She is the author of 7 Nonprofit Income Streams and Let's Raise Nonprofit Millions Together.


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