Effective governance is crucial for the success of any nonprofit. However, when a board begins to regularly micromanage, it can hinder the work of the staff, create operational inefficiencies, and stress the leadership team. How can you tell if your board is crossing the line? Take the Board Micromanaging Quiz to find out! It’s designed for nonprofit leaders and board to take together.
This quiz consists of fifteen yes-no questions. Check out the suggested answers by clicking the answers in orange underneath the quiz. Circle yes or no for your answers. And, share the Board Micromanaging Quiz with your staff and board to clarify roles at your nonprofit.
1. A board member asks about a staff member’s responsibilities. | y/n |
2. When the CEO steps out of the room, the Board assigns a staff member in the room to complete a task. | y/n |
3. The Board asks the CEO if staff can take on a committee assignment. | y/n |
4. The Board tells the CEO how to fix an operation snafu. | y/n |
5. The Board creates a policy to correct an operation snafu. | y/n |
No matter the score, how can you reduce board micromanaging and increase governance? Discuss the differences between governance and management with your board and explore the gray areas. For example, consider a situation where a CEO couldn’t fill a development director position because the board’s work-from-home policy was too rigid– a gray area. By discussing the pros and cons, the board decided to relax the policy after the initial three months.
Don’t miss theses posts:
Quiz: Is Your Board Micromanaging? Find Out Now!– Engage with a self-assessment tool. (this post)
Why Does Your Nonprofit Board Micromanage? Is It You?– Understand the underlying causes of board micromanagement.
Lead More: How to Curb Your Board’s Micromanaging Habit– Get strategic advice on redirecting board behavior.
How to Stop Your Board from Micromanaging: Practical Steps– Concrete, actionable steps to prevent and stop board micromanagement.
Need more help with your board? Karen is available for a mini-consult or more. Click here to email or here to set a time to chat.
Karen Eber Davis is a nonprofit strategic planning consultant who works with visionary leaders committed to taking their organizations to new heights. She offers customized strategies, assessments, and coaching designed to help leaders lead their organizations to achieve their potential. She is the author of 7 Nonprofit Income Streams and Let's Raise Nonprofit Millions Together.
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