When it comes to nonprofit executive self-care, CEOs can be like the cobbler’s children—focused on others’ well-being while neglecting their own. This observation inspired the discussion topic for Karen’s Next CEO Conversation, How Much of Nonprofit CEO Burnout is Self-Inflicted? And, it’s natural sub-topic: If CEO Burnout Is Self-inflicted, What Might Executives Do to Avoid It?
Join Karen’s Next CEO Conversation as we delve into the crucial topic of nonprofit executive self-care. Just like the cobbler’s children who often go without shoes, nonprofit CEOs frequently prioritize the well-being of others over their own.
This event will explore the question: “How Much of Nonprofit CEO Burnout is Self-Inflicted?”
Discover the nuances of executive self-care in the nonprofit sector and explore strategies to prevent burnout. You’ll share and gain valuable insights into the challenges you face and actionable steps so you can prioritize your well-being while effectively leading.
Don’t miss this opportunity to engage in a thoughtful discussion on a topic that impacts the sustainability and success of nonprofit organizations and your job longevity and career trajectory. Join us and empower yourself for a more resilient and fulfilling leadership journey.
How Karen’s CEO Conversation Work
Please help shape the conversation by submitting your questions or dilemmas in the registration email. In the meantime.
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Karen’s CEO Conversations are a great place to have candid, valuable conversations with other nonprofit CEOs.
Mona Duffus
Dawning Family Services
Great call today – very helpful. I picked up lots of very helpful information, so THANK YOU!!!
Diane Nahabedian
Executive Director
Monkey Helpers
Every one of the conversations has been fantastic. I have applied something from each one to my work.
Erica (Mossholder) Klauber
Executive Director
Children’s Craniofacial Association
Karen Eber Davis is a nonprofit strategic planning consultant who works with visionary leaders committed to taking their organizations to new heights. She offers customized strategies, assessments, and coaching designed to help leaders lead their organizations to achieve their potential. She is the author of 7 Nonprofit Income Streams and Let's Raise Nonprofit Millions Together.
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