Lots of videos recommend that you use their database to manage your donors. Nonprofit donor management requires more than selecting a system and adding details.[…]
Read MoreWould you like to get more corporate sponsors? I am guessing yes. In that case, how should you think about this vital revenue opportunity? By[…]
Read MoreAnswer honestly. During the past week have you said or thought one of the following? I’m so busy. Things are hectic. There’s too much to[…]
Read MoreWhy are planned gifts important? Most planned gifts are bequests and many of your supporter can leave you a bequests. Bequests from wills average $70,000.[…]
Read MoreIn another life, Elaine and Justin, a favorite couple of mine, gave me this sound advice: Do all the things you want while you’re still single.[…]
Read MoreAfter months of rotting fish, ghastly odors, and irritated throats, biologists have declared Florida’s epic Red Tide bloom over. Earlier this month, we went on[…]
Read MoreWhy is Valentine’s Day an excellent time to thank your donors for the gifts they made at the end of the year? For more answers,[…]
Read MoreIt’s mid-January, how did four nonprofits respond to year-end gifts? We received four responses to the four annual appeal operating gifts that we made, and[…]
Read MoreWhy do donors get burnt out? How can you avoid contributor fatigue? What are the dangers of saying, “Thank you and…?” Karen covers all this[…]
Read MoreHow to shift your thinking to increase your returns. “How are you, honey?” the voice said. Ah, I thought, a call from a loved[…]
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