It’s a question asked at nonprofits across the county every day. Boards raise it. Staffs discuss it. Volunteers confer about it over coffee. The question?[…]
Read MoreFind out why your donors give to you and use this knowledge to grow your income.
Read MoreGood decision-making is messy–sometimes. This illustration show you how good decision-making moves from neat to messy back to order. In a quality decision process, you[…]
Read MoreA New Way to Tweak Your To-Do List–that Will Leave You Seeing More Bank Deposits. The last thing Rose wanted to do was procrastinate about[…]
Read MoreBoardSource, a national organization focused exclusively on good governance practices, has four e-books with policy samples in 48 topic areas. You could, if motivated, keep[…]
Read MoreYou know, at least theoretically, that attending your chamber or other civic meetings is a good idea. You will meet other leaders, potential board members,[…]
Read MoreThey say, no, or even worse, they are silent. In either case, you, your nonprofit, and your idea are rejected. Rejection, while difficult in all[…]
Read MoreOne of my clients asked how to create a signature event; her question inspired this article. A Signature Event is Conceived Erin McLeod, Chief Operating[…]
Read MoreWhat is the key to obtaining corporate support for your work? “It’s all about the leverage,” said Pam Nabors, President of Workforce Central Florida. Ms.[…]
Read More“Beating the mouse” is the goal of volunteer experiences at the Houston Food Bank, according to Brian Greene, President, and CEO. “The mouse” is a[…]
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