October 30, 2014
Time Management: Learning to Wait With Excellence

We’ve been working on getting our kitchen renovated since the first of the year. We’ve made tons of decisions. The cabinets arrived last week. Then,[…]

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October 23, 2014
9 Reasons Why Fundraising Isn’t Scary!

You don’t have to stand on the corner and beg. You don’t have to ask strangers for money. You only ask after you’ve given yourself.[…]

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September 19, 2014
When You Do Everything Right With A Donor & Get a “No”

Last week at my presentation, “They Don’t Get It” to the Southwest FL Chapter of AFP (the Association of Fundraising Professionals,) the audience members asked[…]

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September 15, 2014
5 Things People Get Dead Wrong About Fundraising

After the big game, you approach your car in the vast parking lot and click your key fob. Nothing. You click again—still nothing. You don’t[…]

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September 4, 2014
The Top 7 Things Donors Hope to Hear in Words and Actions

1. “Thank you, you gift made a difference.” View this as the start of the conversation not the end. 2. “Here’s specifically how your gifts[…]

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August 28, 2014
10 Ways to Provide Value to a Business Partner

Do you want to earn more income from corporation or a business? Of course! In our work, we’ve often been asked to help develop business[…]

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August 22, 2014
Creative Ways to Raise and Make Money With Your Nonprofit Newsletter

You might, of course, charge your readers for it. But assuming you don’t have this in mind, how else might you obtain donations and earn[…]

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August 19, 2014
A Plea to Non-Asking CEOs

You’re out to dinner with your significant other. Your children are at home with a sitter. Suddenly, an earthquake shakes the ground obliterating the only[…]

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July 22, 2014
You Can Attract & Keep Talented Development Staff

When I met Kathryn, she bubbled with enthusiasm about the nonprofit where she served as Senior Development Director. Using her years of fundraising expertise, the[…]

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July 8, 2014
Not an Impossible Dream: 3 Steps to Sustainability

Most nonprofits seek and need income sustainability. Most nonprofits hope to achieve it—someday. Instead of making sustainability a hope and a dream for the future,[…]

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