Your board chair introduces Rob, the sponsor of the day. Polite applause ushers Rob to the microphone. Rob captures the room when he shares how[…]
Read MoreI approached a membership organization about honoring a friend. To thank the friend, I wanted to give a donation in her honor. When the CEO[…]
Read MoreAfter ten years of invitations and visits to his office, the governor is visiting Opportunity Village, a nonprofit serving people with intellectual disabilities in Las[…]
Read MoreA friend calls you to sponsor an event. Your firm has funded similar events. The date works. The price is reasonable. You value the cause.[…]
Read MoreA woman we’ll call Sandra meets with her mental health counselor. Since her head-on auto accident four years ago, Sandra finds driving challenging. She experiences[…]
Read MoreYour assistant delivers the mail. In it, you find a substantial check from a local company. You recognize the signature. It’s a business contact you’ve[…]
Read MoreWhen I was small, Art Linkletter had an afternoon show on the TV when I arrived home from school. Perhaps you’ve seen clips of the[…]
Read MoreAs I collected success stories for 7 Nonprofit Income Streams, I met an executive director recovering from near bankruptcy. The entity’s challenges have not become[…]
Read MoreDonors frequently tell me that philanthropic giving feels overwhelming. Overwhelmed comes from too many choices, too much need, and often our concern that we have[…]
Read MoreEarly in my consulting work, I experienced a conundrum. In two different communities, leaders used totally divergent processes to divide a federal grant. In the[…]
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