Guest editor: Patton McDowell, PMA Consulting The last two years have been undoubtedly disruptive. On a personal level, we had to undergo changes in our[…]
Read MoreUnfortunately, just when you needed a break and a little bit of “normal,” nonprofit CEOs, executive directors, and leaders face a new set of[…]
Read MoreHere are answers to your CEO questions about investing in prospect research. Should your nonprofit invest in prospect research? Your development staff asked for it.[…]
Read MoreThe most common questions my clients are asking now involve former and current donors, sponsors, and funders. They want to know: If their new donors,[…]
Read MoreYou have a conflict with your staff. While working at home, they discovered lots about it they like and treasure. Now, they fear losing those[…]
Read MoreHow can you get your lapsed nonprofit sponsors back? Keep your waffling ones? And, not get here again? Your sponsors are: • Not returning your[…]
Read MoreBefore you finalize your new hybrid workplace, discover how your peers are approaching this challenge. Join Karen’s next CEO Conversation on June 24 at 1 p.m. Eastern.
Read MoreYou seek a culture of philanthropy, but do you have one? Yes, you want more donors and reoccurring contributions to bursts and boom cycles. You[…]
Read MoreIn a quiet corner in a city’s nicest restaurant, a couple starts to decline a naming opportunity. When the new CEO realizes what is happening,[…]
Read MoreDon’t you hate it when you make a mistake, and it gets covered in the media? This may happen to you if you’re hiring a[…]
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