Use this chart to help your board members record their support. Then collect and use this data to use in your reports and marketing.

For more information about this chart, see Guilty As Charged: Prove Your Board Supports Your Organization



My Support of __________________________________

Jan. Feb. March April May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.
1. Cash gifts to organization
2. Our score. Percent of board that give (from staff or board tally)
3. Attended Board Meeting(s)
4. Committees Participation, work and leadership
5. Hands on. Attended events, volunteered with customers, etc.
6. Stewardship. Affirmed donors, helped to get more gifts
7. # Connections. Introduced new partners, helped to obtain in-kind resources
8. # Friends. New individuals introduced to organization or relationships deepened
9. Education. Board or cause-related learning
10. Planned Gift. Included us in their estate plans
11. Other

Instructions: Under the current month, add a check or a number to indicate your involvement over the last 12 months or since you last filled in this chart.

For more information about this chart,  read Guilty As Charged: Prove Your Board Supports Your Organization

For more answers, check out this Nonprofit  CEO Library.

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